Voices present at the Nuclear Energy Policy Summit by the Atlantic Council

The Atlantic Council is an American think tank specializing in international relations. It provides a forum for international political, business and intellectual leaders. In conjunction with the UN General Assembly, the Atlantic Council organized an event entitled « Nuclear Energy Policy Summit 2023: Accelerating Net Zero Nuclear » on September 18 and 19 in New York. Les Voix president Myrto Tripathi was invited to represent the association at this event. The trip was an opportunity to meet our American counterparts and forge links with them on joint initiatives for the upcoming COP and WNE, as well as our support for IBNI (International Bank for Nuclear Initiatives). Les Voix has taken on the role of representing a French and European vision of nuclear energy and transition, so that this model has a place in the global ecosystem of pro-nuclear NGOs. Our American allies are invaluable in the fight to have the benefits of nuclear energy recognized in the face of the challenges of our century, but it is vital for us to preserve, in addition, our own vision of the subject and the issues at stake. That’s why we took part in this conference. Pour soutenir le message porté par les Voix du Nucléaire, c’est par ici |